Wednesday 16 February 2011

Rough version of film

Me and my group created a rough version of the part of the film I am responsible for which is the revelation of the third fate which leads to the character being mugged. We filmed it using ourselves as the characters and around our school just to get a rough idea of what its going to look like and to ensure our ideas work. We learned that we need to include more shots from other angles to layer the footage to get more realistic and flowing action. This will enable us to make improvement from AS level to A2.

Idea for my part of the film

I am responsible for the third chapter in the film. This is the third day the man has walked past the clown machine (he has to get to his car from work). There is yet again another coin on the floor, so he picks it up and puts it in the machine. The music starts and the clown moves about inside then a ticket is dispensed. It reads ‘Money is hard to gain and easy to lose’, the man has a think about the fate and walks on towards his car; he has parked it in a different place as he got a parking fine the day before. On the way to his car two hooded females come up to him, one of them says a speech to him; but before he can react they attack him and rob his wallet. He stumbles off to his car and gets in to go home.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Outline of finalised decision on film in terms of narrative and themes

For our film we have decided to create an idea to do with fortune and fate. It will be between 4-6 minutes long; this will show the main character receiving four fates and a conclusion so the film will be cut into five chapters. We are deliberately making the chapters separate as the first four show the character receiving tickets which read a fate, so each chapter tells a short story. So far we have not designed our tickets but we have decided on what each will say.
We have an idea of what our fate machine will look like; we have purchased the wood and are in working progress of getting it made into our machine. We have decided that each member of the group has a responsibility over a section of the film, Karlene is responsible for the first two chapters where two fates are given, I am doing the third chapter where the third fate is given, Adele is doing the fourth chapter where the fourth fate is given and finally Paige is doing the fifth chapter where the character is escaping the clown. We have decided on what props we need and have decided on the script.
However, we have still not come to a decision on our target audience for our short film. Although we need to decide this soon in order to present our characters and scene to fit the appropriate audience. The theme of our film is also undecided, but our subject is based on fate and fortune so we can do research on ancient beliefs and superstitions to help us come to a decision.