Monday 18 October 2010

My Idea

I have been studying short films and have come up with smoking as an idea for a short film. The intention of the film would be to show that smoking is bad for you. The film would start off with a teenage girl going to the shops with her friends. The camera would shoot between sweets and cigarettes showing the choice she is trying to decide. Then the images would speed up if she bought cigarettes. You would see her lose her friends, her health deteriorates and she eventually gets cancer. Then it could rewind and show what happens if she picked sweets. She would have a normal life, do well in her education and get a great job earning lots. The reason I would do this idea is because I feel strongly against smoking and believe there is always a choice. The story revolves around the idea of a dual narrative where there is a decision to make and whatever you do affects your whole life. The potential certification for this would be a 12a as it is to warn young children of the health risks. The distribution would be on the internet and television to show everyone there is a choice and not to make the bad one. It should be shown in the evening time on television as this is the most popular time teenagers are watching telly. On the internet it should be distributed on sites such as YouTube as this is a very common site for teenagers watching videos.

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