Monday 18 April 2011


For casting we had to find actors to play the lead male, the clown, a male in the first scene and how many for the mugging scene. We considered who we knew and decided that a member of our group’s family friend could play the lead male especially since he has acted in the Wolsey theatre. We were looking for someone in his mid twenties who looked more mature and would make the film more realistic and serious. To cut down on transport issues and availability we decided that one of the group could play the clown to ensure we got the filming done. We used one of the group member’s boyfriends to play the male in the first scene as he is a young adult and there’s a more stereotypical view of teens being troublesome. There was a lot of debate as to how many muggers we would have and who would play them. At first we wanted a group mugging, and then we decided two or three would be better. My brother and a couple of his friends were going to play the part as they are all tall young boys; we thought it would play well with representation. However, we decided that it may be more effective to use females so Karlene (one of the group) and her friend were going to play the part. Yet again we hit another problem as her friend was not available when we were, so we decided Paige (one of the group) should join Karlene in the scene as availability continued to be a problem with those outside of the group.

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