Friday 22 April 2011

Poster Analysis 4

The title ‘X-men origins: Wolverine’ is in large capitals in the centre two-thirds down the page. The main actor was also in the previous X-men films so this creates appeal and familiarity with the audience. The title is linked to the other X-men films as this is a prequel to show a specific detail of one characters life.  In the imagery specific things are highlighted such as one male’s glasses with red light coming out and one woman’s body sparkling as well as the main character that has blades coming out of his hands. These all show that the genre of the film is supernatural and unreal but exciting. In the billing block, the order of the jobs it takes to make the film are as follows: Film Studio, Association with, Production, actor, Film title, Costume designer, Special make-up effects, Music, Co-Producer, Photography, Producers, Screenplay and the Director. The jobs are always in capitals but in a smaller font size to the peoples’ names or the production companies which are also in capital but a larger font size. This poster advertises online access.

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