Thursday 21 April 2011

Special Effects

There are many different special effects you can use to create different effects. Optical effects are techniques which photographically create images or in frames either on the camera e.g. multiple exposures, or in the post-production processes using an optical printer. Greenscreens and Bluescreens are used in chroma key special effects. A person or object is filmed against a blue or green background as these colours are furthest away from skin tone. Sections of the video that match the preselected colour are replaced by an alternate background video; this process is known as keying.  This makes actors appear to be in a different location which is artificially made e.g. In Harry Potter, when playing Quidditch characters fly across water which isn’t really there. There are also mechanical effects which are added for live-action shooting. These are mechanized props, scenery, scale models, pyrotechnics and atmospheric effects which create physical weathers. As we are on a low budget we couldn’t afford to do any fancy special effects. We only added special effects in post-production. On the scene where the clown goes crazy there are many light alterations and image shape changes to create confusion. Throughout the film there are places where footage is slowed down for added effect.

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